Starting with the 3 most difficult GCSE, we have The Best GCSE English Tutor Platforms for literature. It's much harder than its linguistic counterpart, and it's easy to understand why. In reality, there is not much content in The Best GCSE English Tutor Platforms version of this topic, and it doesn't go too deep either. There are a few reasons why this GCSE is on this list, but there are also reasons why it only ranks tenth.
A language gcse is based on what you've already learned in years 7, 8 and 9 and you probably know more than you think. Today's GCSE results reveal that modern foreign language entries have increased by 3 percent despite the Department of Education's admission late last year that it was “struggling tremendously with the number of entries and that the situation was “getting worse.” The difficulty of several GCSE subjects is a hotly debated topic among students, especially with the introduction of the new courses 1-9 this year. This may seem incredibly high, but that's because schools know that GCSE physics is difficult and they push students to achieve their best in this matter. While three-quarters of students in selective schools took a modern language GCSE, in sponsored academies it was only 38%.
That's why the pass rate is so high (along with the fact that biology is the easiest science at the GCSE level). In addition to this, you also need to use and apply the problem-solving skills you've learned in GCSE Mathematics. While you may want to consider them when choosing your GCSE subjects, you should also think about what your specific skills are and what interests you when choosing your GCSE. With the exception of English and mathematics, and in some cases a modern foreign language, most universities do not have universal entry requirements in terms of GCSE specific subjects.
However, most of the mathematics presented is at an early GCSE level, so they shouldn't be too difficult for you. Only 13 percent of GCSE students achieved grade 7-9 in English last year, one of the lowest percentages for any GCSE subject. The reason the pass rate is higher is because there are more students who score lower in GCSE Chemistry than in GCSE Biology.