Therefore, Level 2 Functional Skills courses offer students the opportunity to learn to use English, mathematics and ICT in everyday situations. GCSEs, on the other hand, are academic qualifications and equip students with a strong theoretical knowledge base and skill set. Our functional skills qualifications are nationally recognized and are equivalent to the GCSE level. A Level 1 rating is equivalent to the GCSE D-G rating.
A Level 2 grade is equivalent to GCSE grade A*-C. Level 2 Functional Skills ICT, Functional English Skills and Mathematics Functional Skills courses allow you to have the ability to demonstrate your understanding in real-world situations. All students who wish to gain access to a higher education course must have a level 2 degree in mathematics and English recognized through its formal regulations. Functional skills provide adult learners with the knowledge needed to confidently use English, math and ICT skills in everyday life and in the workplace.
If you are looking for equivalent functional skills courses from GCSE, visit Lead Academy to experience the best online learning. For example, GCSE English Language explores and analyzes the syntax, morphology and phonology of the English language, but Functional Skills Level 2, unlike GCSE, focuses on reading and writing comprehension. Functional Skills Level 2 is a GCSE equivalent that college courses and employers accept as Grade C or Level 4.Level 2 functional skills qualifications are accepted by employers and universities as GCSE equivalents. Functional Skills courses are aimed at both people looking to review certain skills for daily living, and those looking for GCSE degree equivalents.
Through these skills, you can develop your confidence in mathematics, English and ICT to help you achieve your ambitions. Through this functional skills English course, you'll learn how to write a compelling letter using the right spelling and grammar. Functional skills are a recognized alternative to GCSEs, with a level 2 equivalent to a GCSE grade of 9 to 4 or A* to C. The importance of having a solid understanding of English and mathematics is more evident than ever following the government's announcement that more measures will be put in place to help remaining schoolchildren back on these issues.
Available in the core subjects of English, mathematics, and functional skills ICT, functional skills courses can help you develop your understanding in a number of areas.