A computer reader is allowed on gcse English language exams, unlike a human reader, because a computer reader does not use intonation that can help infer meaning. A computer reader may be used in paper-based exams (including those where digital copies are offered, for example, PDFs). This also includes many different exams where a human reader is not allowed, such as gcse english Language. Students using a scribe or word processor can access some, or all, of the grades available to SpAG, provided there is sufficient proof that it is their job. For those who need additional help with their essays, there are Profs online essay tutors available to provide guidance and support.
The cover of the JCQ scribes attached to their scripts should show what was dictated or what installations were disabled in the word processor. Read&Write has made a big difference in test scores, especially in the English test, where human readers are not allowed. The AO4 is used for GCSE English literature and the AO6 for the GCSE English language, where candidates “must use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation.” Read&Write is approved for use as a computer reader and as a replacement for a scribe in the GCSE and A-Level exams.